Cum se face o afacere de succes? Se da promisiuni cu nemiluita, se da o oferta mai mult decat tentanta si daca siteul consuma mai multa banda, dar nici macar jumatate din banda oferita, contul este automat blocat ca de era prea mult trafic. Asta e reteta de succes a HostGator-ului.
Eu am alta problema cu ei, nu pot creea 2 subdomenii cu acelasi nume pe domenii diferite pentru ca se vor baga in acelasi director si nu exista posibilitatea de a seta cala catre un anume director unde sa fie instalat subdomeniul respectiv. Pe scut daca creez si porma vreau sa am si nu voi putea ca ma voi trezii ca intru in directorul comun /blog de pe ambele.
Greg H: Welcome to HostGator, my name is Greg, how may I assist you?
nanotel: i have many site on the same acount
nanotel: primari acount is
nanotel: i woant to create 2 subdomains
nanotel: and
nanotel: but i optain a single directory
Greg H: OK, you would do this in your cPanel by going to „Subdomains”
nanotel: i know that
Greg H: So you want both subdomains to point to the same directory?
nanotel: no I want to be diferent
nanotel: but is no posible in cpanel 10
Greg H: What is it you want to do and I can help you.
nanotel: I ask many times about an upgrade to cpanel 11
nanotel: to give me a solution
nanotel: another than go to another webhosting company
nanotel: because is not first time when I need a solution to set custom directories for subdomain
nanotel: I need a solution to solve this problem
Greg H: What are you trying to do?
Greg H: Be more specific.
nanotel: when i create a subdomain i need a script, an option, anything to set up the path
Greg H: cPanel creates a path when you setup the subdomain.
nanotel: if i make in the root directory will be apear a directory named .blog
nanotel: if i try to make a new subdomain i wll don’t get a new blog ,i get the same blog
nanotel: yes
nanotel: but how i resolve problem when name of subdomains is the same
Greg H: You would name the subdirectory differently.
Greg H: One moment please.
nanotel: subdirectory are created automated, i don’t have control of the name
Greg H: You can rename the directory and set up a forwarder.
nanotel: let’s test to see the result
nanotel: i make now a
nanotel: how i create
Greg H: Let me see.
Greg H: One moment please.
nanotel: ?
nanotel: ok
nanotel: there are only one solution 🙂 to upgrate to CPanel 11
nanotel: or tu put some script in cpanel to permit modify path of a subrirectories
Greg H: The server is scheduled to be upgraded to cPanel 11, I am not sure on the date.
nanotel: i ask for this upgrade for 3 months
nanotel: i don’t need Cpanel 11 but i need this option
nanotel: can you tell me when will be the upgrade
nanotel: 10 days, 1000 days, 100000000 days?
Greg H: I do not know.
nanotel: because i loose my patience and I will search another company
nanotel: I need a solution, and always I get the same answer, „will be an upgrade in the next 10 years”
Greg H: If you want this functionality, you will need to either upgrade to a plan that allows it, or wait for the upgrade to take place on your specific server.
nanotel: I put a problem on desk, give me a solution
Greg H: I gave you the solution.
nanotel: ok, I will search another companies, bye
Greg H: Ok, take care and have a great day!
Si cand ma gandesc ce munca e sa mut iarasi toate domeniile pe alt host.
eu folosesc de mult timp si din cate vad am instalat cPanel Build 11.10.0-STABLE 16448
de mentionat este faptul ca nu l-am avut de la inceput! s-a facut un upgrade dar nu pot preciza data exacta! cat despre banda, trafic, etc, nu ma pot pronunta inca! nu am ajuns sa consum atat de mult incat sa am probleme( am ajuns la un maxim 7gb/luna)
Pt ca au un singur BUG nu inseamna ca firma nu este serioasa. Din cate stiu HostGator este foarte bine cunoscut in toata lumea. Daca ar fi aparut prea multe probleme la prea multi clienti nu cred ca ar avea un asa renume.
Stiu cel putin 3 oameni care cum au avut si ei oleaca mai ceva trafic s-au trezit cu conturile inchise pe motiv ca procesor overloaded.
In plus pe mine ma omoara migrarea datelor pe alt server ca aflel nu mai eram de mult la HostGator.
Cred ca ala nici n-a priceput ce vrei la halul ala de umm…engleza, sa-i zicem.
Eu consum cel putin 150 gb banda pe luna si nu am avut niciodata probleme cu ei
nici nu ma mira felul in care ti-a raspuns/nu te-a ajutat la cum i-ai vorbit. Omu` te-a intrebat frumos ce problema ai, si tu o dadeai cu alta companie si upgrade. Si el chiar ti-a dat si o solutie, si tu tot aiurea vorbeai. Am prieteni care lucreaza la helpdesk la diverse firme, si tare ii streseaza cand apare cate un destept ca tine.