Am ajutat multa lume pe net, (asta o stiu) si de aceeea primesc zilnic rasplata ajutorului meu. Am foarte multi prieteni care imi scriu zilnic, primesc 2-3 asfel de e-mailuri pe zi, princare vor sa imi dea in jur de 1 milion de $ pentru ajutorul pe care l-am dat.
Din ultimile 2 zile am ales 3 mailuri de genul asta care vi le dau mai jos.
Dear friend,
I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund.
Now,I want you to contact my secretary on the information below.mark
Ask him to send to you the total sum of (USD$1.2Million) in a Cashier
Draft, which I kept for your compensation. So
contact him immediately on his e-mail
Si nr.2
Dear Old Friend,
It is my pleasure to reach you after our unsuccessful attempt on our business transaction. Well, I just want to use this medium to thank you very much for your earlier assistance to help me in receiving the funds.I am obliged to inform you that I have succeeded in receiving the funds with the help of a new partner from South America Mr. Alfredo Gomez Castillo. Everything was perfectly done because we strike a deal with one ofthe Lady Accountant who works with the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), and she rendered a tremendous help to us. My new partner initiated this idea and everything worked out successfully.
In appreciation of your earlier assistance to me in receiving the funds, I have decided to compensate you with the sum of $850,000.00(Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) in a Cashier’s draft.This is from my own share.
Si nr.3
My Dear.
Its my pleasure to inform you that your bank draft of US$2.5Million (TWO
necessary and i went to FINANCIAL BANK Of West African States to discus this
with the bank director as its getting it’s expirey date. Then he told
me that i
should not allow your certified bank draft to expire unclaimed.However he told me that your fund can be processed into
Deci cum spuneam, o groaza de oameni imi sunt foarte recunoscatori pentru afacerile la care am participat imreuna, si imi sunt foarte buni prieteni (dear friend)
Toate aceste mailuri se incheie in mod politicos cu o cerinta de a trimite datele mele personale. Nume, Prenume, Adresa, uneori si numar de telefon. Ce nu inteleg eu este la ce ii sunt bune datele mele unui spamer sau ce masa o fi din jamaica, sau de unde masa o fi.
Oricum dragii mei prieteni, pentru ca va iubesc foarte mult, si ma bucur nespus de mult cand aud de succesul nebun pe care il aveti am creat un filtru special care arunca direct in Trash orice e-mail care contine „dear friend”